Barkeep AmberJill
Non-Player Killer
Race Female Aluvian
Title Barkeeper
Location North wing of Town Network
Level 5
Strength 35
Endurance 50
Coordination 60
Quickness 60
Focus 35
Self 30
Health 80
Stamina 115
Mana 50

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Lore & Dialog Edit

Barkeeper AmberJill does not have any opening dialog.

Buying From

Barkeeper AmberJill tells you, "Can I get you anything else? A cold stout, mayhaps?"

Barkeeper AmberJill tells you, "Did you see the rumors I sell? There's a lot of interesting quests that can be found with those....."

Selling To

Barkeeper AmberJill tells you, "You drive a hard bargain, my friend."


Barkeeper AmberJill tells you, "Come back soon, friend - I'll keep the taps flowing!"

Update History Edit