Introduced:  Release
Bowyer Brondig
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Aluvian
Title Bowyer
Location 29.7N, 28.7E outside Glenden Wood
Level 7
Strength 80
Endurance 60
Coordination 80
Quickness 70
Focus 40
Self 30
Health 33
Stamina 65
Mana 30

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Lore & Dialog Edit


Bowyer Brondig tells you, "You needn't go to Peldin. My prices are better!"

Buying From

Bowyer Brondig tells you, "Isn't it cheaper than at Peldin's?"

Selling To

Bowyer Brondig tells you, "Ah yes, a fine item."

Bowyer Brondig tells you, "This will make a fine addition to my shop."


Bowyer Brondig tells you, "Just remember to come here instead of Peldin's."