Introduced:  Throne of Destiny
Bowyer Cecili Blocconda
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Viamontian
Title Bowyer
Location 87.0N 70.6W in Silyun
Level 6
Strength 60
Endurance 40
Coordination 80
Quickness 70
Focus 50
Self 30
Health 60
Stamina 115
Mana 55

Notes Edit

  • Route: See Silyun
  • See Bowyer for other similar shopkeepers.
  • Sells at 170%, buys at xx%.

Currency Edit


Inventory Edit

Gems Edit

Fletching Items Edit

Weapons Edit

Trade Notes Edit

Lore & Dialog Edit

Opening (Viamontians)

Bowyer Cecili Blocconda tells you, "Welcome to my shop."

Buying From (Viamontians)

Bowyer Cecili Blocconda tells you, "May these serve you well."

Selling To (Viamontians)

Bowyer Cecili Blocconda tells you, "This is the best haul yet!"

Closing (Viamontians)

Bowyer Cecili Blocconda tells you, "May your aim be straight and true."

Opening (non-Viamontians)

Bowyer Cecili Blocconda tells you, "Deliveries are around back. What? Oh, you wish to purchase something."

Bowyer Cecili Blocconda tells you, "Hurry up then. I can get a bad reputation if I'm seen dealing with your kind."

Buying From (non-Viamontians)

Bowyer Cecili Blocconda tells you, "Sorry if I was rude to you earlier. The KING just decided to raise taxes."

Selling To (non-Viamontians)

Bowyer Cecili Blocconda tells you, "I'll buy this junk this time, but next time I'll have to charge you for dumping this stuff here."

Closing (non-Viamontians)

Bowyer Cecili Blocconda tells you, "You're leaving town now right?"