Introduced:  Bridging the Vast Divide
Non-Player Killer
Race Burun Ruuk
Title Archmage
Location 67.4N 30.5E in Kor-Gursha on Bur
Level 20
Strength 95
Endurance 100
Coordination 100
Quickness 90
Focus 45
Self 40
Health 145
Stamina 210
Mana 135

Notes Edit

  • Route: Bur to Kor-Gursha, Go down ramp Middle Room, Passage Middle West
  • See Archmage for similar shopkeepers.
  • Buys at 90%, sells at 135%.
  • All spell components, plats cost 54k

Currency Edit

Inventory Edit

Clothing Edit

Miscellaneous Edit

Mana Stones Edit

Magic Items Edit

Alchemical Items Edit

Spell Components Edit

Trade Notes Edit

Lore & Dialog Edit


Brozuu tells you, "Have you come to trade with me? How exciting! I am still learning, but counting out the shiny coins is fun."

Buying From

Brozuu tells you, "Yes! I will sell you that now! Oh, what a nice pile of shiny pyreal you have given me."

Selling To

Brozuu tells you, "And now I give you pyreals and take that from you... This is exciting! I enjoy commerce!"


Brozuu tells you, "Come back to trade with me again soon, friend human!"