Introduced:  Release
Djuyat ibn Fisa the Armorer
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Gharu'ndim
Title Armorer
Location 13.9S, 5.0E in Tufa
Level 10
Strength 90
Endurance 95
Coordination 80
Quickness 90
Focus 40
Self 30
Health 153
Stamina 205
Mana 60

Notes Edit

Currency Edit


Inventory Edit

Armor Edit

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Lore & Dialog Edit


Djuyat ibn Fisa the Armorer tells you, "Welcome to our new and improved smithy."

Buying From

Djuyat ibn Fisa the Armorer tells you, "I part with this unwillingly, you know. We need all the armaments we can get. We have to destroy those Spires before they can get away!"

Selling To

Djuyat ibn Fisa the Armorer tells you, "Excellent. We'll be able to use this against the Shadows."


Djuyat ibn Fisa the Armorer tells you, "If I had my way, we'd fortify the town."