Introduced: | Forces of Nature | Related Quests: | Honeyed Meads |
Notes Edit
- Located by the tree in Viridian Rise
- To receive the Amber Infused Honey your character must having the Cooking skill.
Dialog Edit
- You allow Dridge to examine your Infused Amber Shard.
- Dridge tells you, "That is a generous offer. Since I am only a cook I am afraid I have little to offer you."
- Dridge tells you, "You are interested in Cooking? I have devised a way to brew powerful meads from the Nightbloom in the area. If you have harvested the Nightbloom then you are already quite skilled at cooking."
- Dridge tells you, "The process requires a Brew Kettle and water, honey infused with the magical amber of our tree, and Nightbloom infused with the magical energies of the area."
- Dridge tells you, "I have a process to create the amber infused honey. Unfortunately with the attack on the roots of the Deru I cannot give out our supplies. I will have to trade Infused Amber for the honey you will need as an ingredient."
- Dridge tells you, "Give me one Infused Amber and I will give you five jars of honey and the recipe to make the meads."