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Eastham, Its People and Beaches

Written by: Loka Wu
Well, the enterprising adventurer should look no further than Eastham for their traveling and fighting pleasure. In this tale I remimnen..., reminins... think about what I did there recently.

For the first-time traveler, simply 'arriving' at Eastham can be an adventure all in itself! After asking directions, I took the 'easy' way: portal to Rithwic, then a short run up the NE road.

Avoiding a few spawns of monsters was easy enough, and I arrived. What a bustling town! Lots of people, lots of trading, mages spell-casting.. and portal storms.

Which I was immediately caught in, and transported to some place in the wilderness, surrounded by drudges and shreth! Luckily I was armed and armored.

I dispatched many of the adversaries; others ran for their lives. I pulled out a map that I had brought along, oriented myself, and returned to Eastham.

Remembering something the Loka Clan elders had told me about 'lightning bolts never strike twice in the same place', I approached a group of warriors at the Armorer's.

To be portal-stormed away for a second time! To a different spot.

By the way, I realize that many of you doubt that such an occurrence actually happened. Sounds extremely rare to me too! But that's the way it was.

Using my map, I re-returned again. Approaching the same group of warriors, I was about to engage in some swordsmain-like talk, when one of them asked, 'What spell did you use?'

'Yes, what spell was that?' asked another. Apparently, they thought that I, a non-mage, had somehow access to a portaling spell! (*snicker*)

As they all looked rather gullibl... uh, actually, rather than spin them a yarn (as we are wont to do at times, especially at the pub ... ask Enosh), I told them I had been portal-stormed away.

'Bummer', said one. 'Lol,' said another, cryptically, both speaking in KewlDood, the adventurer's dialect.

'Yo,' I replied, 'but I'm hangin' in there. Tune in next week for the next episode.'

Which met with a stony silence.

Apparently these folk were not as versed in KewlDood as I was.

I struck up a conversation with an itinerant mage. He filled me in on the local flora and fauna, noting that I would find easy pickings on the beach.

'Gromnies, mud and water golems mos'ly. Jest watch fer th' wasps,' he drawled, in an odd accent.

He offered to sell me an amulet that would protect me from their flame bolts. 'Casts Flame Bane III', he claimed.

I was unable to appraise the item. 'That's because it's so powerful. Trust me,' he said.

Paying about 3000 pyreals, I took the amulet to the beach. And yes! The hunting was good, mostly azure gromnies, water and mud golems, and the occasional wasp.

At one point, I was caught in the middle of a wasp spawn. Confidently, I put on my amulet. Nothing obvious happened.

Then two of the wasps hit me strongly with their flame bolts. Ouch! I ran towards cover.

I later asked another mage (as the first had sped off quickly after our encounter) about the amulet. 'You are Sho?', she asked. 'Yes,' I replied.

'Ah. Then this amulet is worthless, as it is Aluvian only. I recommend that you sell it.' Which i did. For 500 pyreals!

It's rare that one from Clan Loka can be bested in economic commerce of this sort, but it happens.

Another interesting event occurred later that day. I heard a series of 'clunk' noises, indicating that someone was dropping objects. Looking around, I spotted the culprit.

A traveling archer was dropping a series of Small Lugian Sinews. About twenty of them. These sinews are apparently of such a low quality that they are not worth cooking and using for bowmaking.

Still, I picked up a few. All right, I picked up about eighteen of them. After all, they may be worth something someday. See what happened to shadow armor?

It was also a pleasure to note that Eastham has a higher quality of beggars than are generally seen in many towns, especially the 'Starter' towns, such as Shoushi.

No shouts of, 'Can anyone spare a trade note?', or 'Hey, loan me 1000 pyreals?' No, these beggars had class.

'Excuse me, miss,' said a young warrior to me. 'Could you Id this armor, please?' Always willing to help, I accepted. 'AL 20,' I replied.

'Oh, okay,' he replied. 'Too bad. I'll never be able to go in the Thieves Den with these. Thanks anyway'.

And with that, he turned away, despondent, no doubt a tear coming from his eye. I was touched. 'Here, I'll help you,' I said.

'Really? Hey, thanks a lot, ma'am!' We proceeded to the armorer, where I purchased some studded leather armor for the distraught young man.

After donning his new armor, the youngster sped away, no doubt to the dungeon he had mentioned. 'Wait,' I shouted, 'give me your old armor to sell.'

But it was too late.

I was pleased at the time at this youth's enthusiasm, so eager to venture into battle that he had forgotten to give me his old armor as recompense.

It was only later that I realized how I had been fooled.

Interestingly, later that day I was making some mana pizzas (I cook a bit on the side), when I was startled to hear someone say in the distance, 'Hey mister, could you Id this armor?'

Turning in the direction of the sound, I saw a young man in studded leathers speaking to a mage. 'AL 30', said the mage.

'Oh, okay,' said the youngster. 'Too bad. I'll never be able to go in the Thieves Den with these. Thanks anyway'. And he turned away.

'Wait, I'll help you!' said the mage. And, as I stifled a chuckle, I saw the young man accompany the mage to the armorer's.

No doubt this young man is wearing celdon armor by now. He could go far.

And thus ends my tale of Eastham, its people, and its beaches.