Related topics: Edelbar

Introduced:  The Hall of the Tusker King Related Quests:  Fiery Weapons Updated:  A New Threat, Master of Design
Edelbar Directions
  • Value: 10
  • Burden: 10
  • 1 of 1 pages full.
There's an old abandoned settlement out to the west of Holtburg -- around 43N, 27E. I don't know why the settlement failed, but there's some interesting stuff in the area for brave adventurers. I've heard tell of a lich who lives in a shabby little hut, and a group of banderlings with some particularly nice fiery weapons.
-- Edelbar Directions

Notes Edit

Update History Edit

The Hall of the Tusker King

  • Introduced.

A New Threat

  • Icon changed from a generic parchment icon to a colored text icon, color coded for difficulty.

Master of Design

  • Retired.