Introduced:  Release
Elthina the Shady
Non-Player Killer
Race Female Aluvian
Title Peddler
Location 33.8N, 56.8E - Arwic Mines
Level 3
Strength 20
Endurance 20
Coordination 30
Quickness 30
Focus 60
Self 30
Health 55
Stamina 80
Mana 60

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Elthina the Shady tells you, "You're an adventureous soul to be visiting these catacombs."

Elthina the Shady tells you, "The catacombs here are vast and dangerous...I've seen many enter and few leave."

Elthina the Shady tells you, "Have you seen any Virindi down here?"

Buying From

Elthina the Shady tells you, "I've heard rumors of other portals down here leading to other dungeons."

Elthina the Shady tells you, "The people of Arwic still believe Virindi live in these catacombs..."

Selling To

Elthina the Shady tells you, "I'm sure I'll find that useful."


Elthina the Shady tells you, "Be careful down here."

Elthina the Shady tells you, "The way out of here is on this level, but I'm not sure where."