Introduced:  Lay of the Land Related Quests:  Menhir Research
Enchanted Mana Stone
  • Value: 0
  • Burden: 0
  • Properties: Attuned, Bonded
  • Cooldown When Used: 10s
  • A normal looking mana stone enchanted to pick up energy from the environment on use, but won't hold a charge.

Notes Edit

  • Received after speaking with Cara the Apprentice in Xarabydun at 41.7S, 15.8E.
  • Use whilst standing at at one of the many Menhir Rings to see if the mana fields have changed.
  • Report back to her to receive a reward after 5 (max.20) or more successful uses.

Mana flows across the surface of the stone.
Your fingers tingle as waves of energy coruscate across them.
The stone suddenly returns to its inert state.
This signature lights the ninth ring of the mana stone.
This mana signature is unique.
1 of 20 rings have been lit.