Introduced:  Infiltration Related Quests:  Fallen Creature Kill Task, Fallen Weapons
Fallen Lugian
Class Gotrok Lugian
Level 160
XP 1,500,000
Luminance 0
Loot Tier 6
Attacks Bludgeoning, Slashing
Weaknesses Fire
Strength 380
Endurance 340
Coordination 290
Quickness 220
Focus 180
Self 240
Health 10500
Stamina 6000
Mana 240
Advanced Stats
Melee Attack
Melee Defense
Missile Attack
Missile Defense
Magic Attack
Magic Defense


Notes Edit

Fallen Lugian tells you, "Cruath Quafeth. Your kind says that often when hunting us. Does it mean kill me now?"
  • Area Message:
Fallen Lugian confirms the excellent balance of his weapon.
Fallen Lugian Spawns

Data courtesy of Mob Tracker. Zoomable color

maps available with downloadable Viewer.