Introduced:  Throne of Destiny
Fletcher Mikael di Suinn
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Viamontian
Title Fletcher
Location 72.0N, 61.1W in Sanamar
Level 6
Strength 45
Endurance 50
Coordination 55
Quickness 60
Focus 40
Self 35
Health 135
Stamina 140
Mana 155

Notes Edit

  • Route: See Sanamar
  • See Bowyer for other similar shopkeepers.
  • Sells at 135%, buys at 90%.

Currency Edit

Inventory Edit

Gems Edit

Fletching Items Edit

Weapons Edit

Trade Notes Edit

Lore & Dialog Edit

Opening (Viamontians)

Fletcher Mikael di Suinn tells you, "How might I serve you this day?"

Buying From (Viamontians)

Fletcher Mikael di Suinn tells you, "Excellent choice!"

Selling To (Viamontians)

Fletcher Mikael di Suinn tells you, "Wonderful! I'm sure to make a fine profit from this!"

Closing (Viamontians)

Fletcher Mikael di Suinn tells you, "Have a wonderful day, my kinsman!"

Opening (non-Viamontians)

Fletcher Mikael di Suinn tells you, "Can't say I relish the prospect of doing business with one of the Bloodless, but a good citizen does as the King decrees."

Fletcher Mikael di Suinn tells you, "Be quick. I mislike your stench, dog."

Buying From (non-Viamontians)

Fletcher Mikael di Suinn tells you, "Now take your wares and leave me be!"

Selling To (non-Viamontians)

Fletcher Mikael di Suinn tells you, "I'll have to wash this before I sell it."

Closing (non-Viamontians)

Fletcher Mikael di Suinn tells you, "Leave my sight."