Giant Blessed Moarsman's Severed Head
Introduced: | Sins of the Fathers | Related Quests: | Rare Island Trophies |
Notes Edit
- Dropped by Giant Blessed Moarsman, a rare spawn creature on Freebooter Isle.
- Does not stack.
- Give to your Society Rare Trophy Collector for xp, a Mana Forge Key, and the title "Bane of the Blessed".
You give Narthran Two-Blades Giant Bless Moarsman's Severed Head.
Narthran Two-Blades tells you, "Impressive! I didn't think they grew this big. I think I can come up with an appropriate reward for this."
You've earned 97,164,124 experience.
Narthran Two-Blades gives you Mana Forge Key.
Narthran Two-Blades awards you the title, "Bane of the Blessed".