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Grael's Rage
Level: 40
Type: Solo
Starts With: Edobar the Esoteric or Gallatria du Ressetta
Starts At: 26.0N, 47.0E in Cragstoneor 69.9N, 62.6W near Sanamar
Repeat: 20 Hours

Overview Edit

Quest to get gems that increase the damage of your wielded weapon by 3 points for three hours.

Walkthrough & Notes Edit

  1. Go to Ssavish at 23.2S, 58.3E and speak with him.
  2. Enter the Lost Coastal Archive at 37.4N, 67.0E.
  3. From the drop, head south and follow the dungeon all the way to the end. In the east room, pick up the Untranslated Song of Grael from the floor.
  4. Enter the Lost Desert Archive at 4.0N, 2.4W.
  5. From the drop, head south again and follow the dungeon all the way to the end. As you near the bottom, stick to the left wall, and you'll find the Untranslated Grael Rebellion on the floor.
  6. Enter the Frozen Cenotaph at 90.6N, 66.7W, near Silyun.
  7. From the drop, hug the right wall all the way to the bottom, where you'll find the Untranslated Dreams of Salt and Ash lying on the floor near a Ruschk Sadist.
  8. Return to Edobar the Esoteric and hand him all three books in exchange for your rewards and the texts, The Song of Grael and The Grael Rebellion.

Dungeons & Maps Edit

Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Lost Coastal Archive 37.4N, 67.0E -- 0035
Lost Desert Archive 4.0N, 2.4W -- 0036
Frozen Cenotaph 90.6N, 66.7W -- 0037

Rewards Edit

Give the Untranslated Song of Grael to Edobar the Esoteric
Experience: 1,340,000 (Fixed)
Give the Untranslated Grael Rebellion to Edobar the Esoteric
Experience: 1,340,000 (Fixed)
Give the Untranslated Dreams of Salt and Ash to Edobar the Esoteric
Experience: 1,340,000 (Fixed)

Images Edit

Click image for full size version.

Dialog Edit

Opening Dialog (Edobar the Esoteric)

Edobar the Esoteric tells you, "Brave adventurer! Would you help your true Queen and the unified citizens of Dereth against external foes most fell? The realm seeks knowledge of an ancient and almost forgotten barbarian named Grael, who fought in the arenas of vanished Haebrous."

Edobar the Esoteric tells you, "Seek the hideout of the Sclavus named Ssavish in the swamps at 23.2 S, 58.3 E, and win from him the knowledge of the archives where the books of Grael are kept. Find the books and bring them to me, and you shall have my gratitude and the gratitude of the realm."

Opening Dialog (Gallatria du Ressetta)

Gallatria du Ressetta tells you, "If you would seek to help King Varicci in his attempt to bring order to the Bloodless of the mainland, I have a task for you."

Gallatria du Ressetta tells you, "Venture into the swamps near the Sho hovel of Sawato. Look for the hideout of a Sclavus named Ssavish at 23.2 S, 58.3 E. That creature holds the knowledge of certain archives with... useful information. Go to the archives it speaks of, and bring me whatever books you find there."

Ssavish tells you, "Help me, human! My mistress seeks books of Grael! Three books in three places, find them and bring them to me!"

Ssavish tells you, "Seek the tome of the Song of Grael in the Lost Coastal Archive of the Dericostians, at 37.4 N, 67.0 E, and bring it to me."

Ssavish tells you, "Seek the tome of the Grael Rebellion in the Lost Desert Archive of the vanished Yalain, at 4.0 N, 2.4 W, and bring it to me."

Ssavish tells you, "Seek the tome of the Dreams of Salt and Ash in the Frozen Cenotaph of the Ruschk, at 90.6 N, 66.7 W on the Halaetan Islands, and bring it to me."
Returning to Ssavish

Ssavish tells you, "I have told you where to find the archives, yes? Go forth and bring me the books, warmblood."

Ssavish tells you, "If you need a reminder, the Lost Coastal archive is at 37.4 N, 67.0 E."

Ssavish tells you, "The Lost Desert Archive is at 4.0 N, 2.4W."

Ssavish tells you, "The Frozen Cenotaph is on the Halaetan Islands, at 90.6 N, 66.7 W."
Returning to Edobar

Edobar the Esoteric tells you, "Ah, did we not discuss this already? If you have already spoken to that Ssavish creature, then please proceed without delay into the archives of which it spoke!"
Returning to Gallatria

Gallatria du Ressetta tells you, "So, you've spoken to the Sclavus, have you? Go on, then! Seek the archives it spoke of and find the books! I know the dogs of the Bloodless queen are after these books as well!"
Handing in Untranslated Dreams of Salt and Ash

You give Edobar the Esoteric Untranslated Dreams of Salt and Ash.

Edobar the Esoteric tells you, "Can it be? Is this the book we have been looking for, which illuminates so many mysteries? I dare not let you see a translation of such dangerous knowledge, and for that I apologize, friend. But here, there is a way that I can use the book's knowledge to benefit you..."

You've earned 1,340,000 experience.

Edobar the Esoteric gives you 5 Rage of Grael Gems.

You give Gallatria du Ressetta Untranslated Dreams of Salt and Ash.

Gallatria du Ressetta tells you, "Yes... This is what we were looking for... The King will be pleased with me. I cannot furnish you with a translation of this text, for the kingdom's security... But the knowledge in this book allows me to reward you with something very useful."

You've earned 1,340,000 experience.

Gallatria du Ressetta gives you 5 Rage of Grael Gems.

You give Ssavish Untranslated Dreams of Salt and Ash.

Ssavish tells you, "This book is most precious... Mistress will reward Ssavish. I cannot share translation with you, warmblood. This knowledge is too powerful for all warmbloods except Mistress. But with the information in this book, I shall make for you a reward that echoes the mighty Grael."

You've earned 1,340,000 experience.

Ssavish gives you 5 Rage of Grael Gems.
Handing in Untranslated Grael Rebellion

You give Edobar the Esoteric Untranslated Grael Rebellion.

Edobar the Esoteric tells you, "Little by little, we learn more about the empires of the Empyreans who preceded us. I tell you, I think it would not hurt for the cruel tyrant Varicci to read about this rebellion... Thank you for bringing this to me. I will share a translation with you."

You've earned 1,340,000 experience.

Edobar the Esoteric gives you The Grael Rebellion.

You give Gallatria du Ressetta Untranslated Grael Rebellion.

Gallatria du Ressetta tells you, "Ah, the Grael Rebellion. An interesting perspective on the ancient empires... but not of much use to me now. I should reward you, though, and I will translate this for you as well. Don't get any bright ideas from it."

You've earned 1,340,000 experience.

Gallatria du Ressetta gives you The Grael Rebellion.

You give Ssavish Untranslated Grael Rebellion.

Ssavish tells you, "At last, the Grael Rebellion... Mistress will be pleased. I thank you, warmblood. I will translate this text for you and share its knowledge with you."

You've earned 1,340,000 experience.

Ssavish gives you The Grael Rebellion.
Handing in Untranslated Song of Grael

You give Edobar the Esoteric Untranslated Song of Grael.

Edobar the Esoteric tells you, "Most interesting! This seems to have come from the perspective of Grael or someone who knew him! I am fascinated. I will share a translation of this account with you. Thank you, brave adventurer!"

You've earned 1,340,000 experience.

Edobar the Esoteric gives you The Song of Grael.

You give Gallatria du Ressetta Untranslated Song of Grael.

Gallatria du Ressetta tells you, "Ah, the Song of Grael. Diverting enough, if your tastes run toward barbarian doggerel. Not the most useful find, but I suppose I must reward you. And here, I will translate it for you as well. Perhaps you will find it educational."

You've earned 1,340,000 experience.

Gallatria du Ressetta gives you The Song of Grael.

You give Ssavish Untranslated Song of Grael.

Ssavish tells you, "At last, the Song of Grael... Mistress will be pleased. I thank you, warmblood. I will translate this text for you and share its knowledge with you."

You've earned 1,340,000 experience.

Ssavish gives you The Song of Grael.

Update History Edit

Friend and Foe

  • Quest introduced.

Learning From Experience

  • XP reward for Untranslated Song of Grael increased from 150,000 to 1,340,000.
  • XP reward for Untranslated Dreams of Salt and Ash increased from 100,000 to 1,340,000.

The Quest for Freedom

  • Repeat timer changed from 27 days to 20 hours.