Introduced:  Betrayal Related Quests:  Wedding Trials, Wedding Ceremony
Grand Sentinel Ehcac
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Aluvian
Title Marriage Facilitator
Location 82.0S 94.8E at the Ithaenc Wedding Site near Ithaenc Cathedral
Level 126
Strength 400
Endurance 400
Coordination 400
Quickness 400
Focus 400
Self 400
Health 205
Stamina 510
Mana 405

Notes Edit

  • Route:
Buy an Invitation Ithanc Cathedral from a Wedding Planner
Run from Ithaenc Cathedral (Recall the Sanctuary

Lore & Dialog Edit

Grand Sentinel Ehcac tells you, "To begin the marriage ceremony, you must first hand me the Symbol of Marriage. If you are in search of the Symbol, a series of tests await you near Arwic."