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Hamud's Demise
Level: 100
Type: Solo
Starts With: Ivory Crafter
Starts At: Locations for Ivory Crafter
Repeat: 20 Hours
Contracts: Contract for Hamud's Demise

Overview Edit

Devana ibn Rafik is looking for information on her father, Hamud ibn Rafik. Hamud and his daughter were followers of the Shagar Zharala on Ispar. The Shagar Zharala had become corrupt so Hamud was made an outcast left Ispar through the portals to Dereth where he began a new organization based on the tenants of the Shagar Zharala, the Tenebrous Edge. Unfortunately Hamud allied himself with the Shadows thinking that they were the "incarnations of the very ideals that we in the Zharalim tried to emulate". Hamud was corrupted by the shadows and became a shadow himself.

Walkthrough & Notes Edit

  1. Kill Brass Gromnies until one drops a Brass Gromnie Tooth.
  2. Give the Tooth to an Ivory Crafter in exchange for Brass Knuckles.
  3. Give the Brass Knuckles to the Ivory Crafter and they will give you a note, the Introduction to Devana. You will also receive the Contract for Hamud's Demise with the note.
    • Note: They will not keep the Brass Knuckles. The Ivory Crafter only examines it. If you plan on repeating the quest, hold on to the knuckles.
  4. Take the Introduction note to Devana bint Hamudi just outside Zaikhal at 12.9N, 0.4E. She will give you a Key to Hamud's Chambers and Devana's Note.
  5. Go to the Mountain Fortress at 82.4S, 19.9E near Qalaba'r
  6. The dungeon is full of Zefirs on the upper levels and Shadows on the lower levels. Make your way through the dungeon until you find a locked door. Use the Key to Hamud's Chambers to unlock the door.
    • Warning: Don't discard your key now. The key has two uses and you need to return to Hamud later.
  7. Just beyond the locked door you will find Hamud ibn Rafik. Give him Devana's Note. He will give you the Foundry Key and instruct you to bring him a Pyreal Dagger from the Empyrean Foundry.
  8. Go to the Empyrean Foundry dungeon found in the Blackmire Swamp near Sawato at 25.2S, 54.2E.
  9. The dungeon is full of Mosswarts on the upper levels and Sclavi on the lower levels. Make your way through the dungeon until you find an Ancient Pyreal Dagger.
    • Warning: The Mosswarts use combination vuln/war lightning and fire damage. The Sclavi also use war attacks. Lower level characters are advised to advance slowly through the dungeon to avoid being swarmed.
  10. Return to the Mountain Fortress and give Hamud the Ancient Pyreal Dagger and he will give you Hamud's Pyreal Katar and Hamud's Last Testament.
  11. Give the Last Testament to Devana back in Zaikhal and she will give you Oswald's Dagger, 2 Trade Notes (250,000), and an experience reward.

Dungeons & Maps Edit

Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Mountain Fortress 82.4S, 19.9E -- 011C
Empyrean Foundry 25.2S, 54.2E -- 0136

Rewards Edit

Give Ancient Pyreal Dagger to Hamud ibn Rafik
Give Hamud's Last Testament to Devana bint Hamudi
Experience: 70,000,000 (Fixed)

Images Edit

Click image for full size version.

Dialog Edit

Handing in Brass Knuckles

You allow Ivory Crafter to examine your Brass Knuckles.

Ivory Crafter tells you, "Very good, you may keep your cestus. A lady near Zaikhal named Devana bint Hamudi is looking for skilled hunters.

Ivory Crafter gives you Introduction to Devana.

Ivory Crafter tells you, "Give this to her."
Opening Dialog (Handing in "Introduction to Devana")

You give Devana bint Hamudi Introduction to Devana.

Devana bint Hamudi tells you, "So. You are a competent warrior. You may be strong enough to suit my purposes. My father resides in the Mountain Fortress, well south of Qalaba'r. I am... concerned for his well-being.

Devana bint Hamudi tells you, "Please bring this letter to him. If you bring me back a letter from him, I will reward you. You will also need this key to reach him. Do not go to find him if you fear the darkness.

Devana bint Hamudi gives you Devana's Note.

Devana bint Hamudi gives you Key to Hamud's Chambers.
Hamud ibn Rafik Opening Dialog

Hamud ibn Rafik tells you, "Go... away... unless... you have business with me..."
Handing in Devana's Note

You give Hamud ibn Rafik Devana's Note.

Hamud ibn Rafik tells you, "Yes... a letter... I will give you the letter... but first you must serve...

Hamud ibn Rafik tells you, "Go to the Empyrean foundry, in the swamps northwest of Sawato... Bring me one of their pyreal daggers... and you will be rewarded... by the darkness. You will need this key...

Hamud ibn Rafik gives you Foundry Key.
Handing in Ancient Pyreal Dagger

You give Hamud ibn Rafik Ancient Pyreal Dagger.

Hamud ibn Rafik tells you, "Such... pure metal... how it shines... how bright... take this katar and walk in the darkness... You have pleased the Dark Master.

Hamud ibn Rafik gives you Hamud's Pyreal Katar.

Hamud ibn Rafik gives you Hamud's Last Testament.
Handing in Hamud's Last Testament

You give Devana bint Hamudi Hamud's Last Testament.

Devana bint Hamudi tells you, "Thank you. This is what I needed to know.

Devana bint Hamudi tells you, "Take this as my thanks. It was given to me by a master assassin dressed in green armor. Please... leave me now. I have much to think on.

Devana bint Hamudi gives you Oswald's Dagger.

You've earned 70,000,000 experience.

Devana bint Hamudi gives you 2 Trade Notes (250,000).
Retired dialog

You give Ivory Crafter Ash Gromnie Tooth.

Ivory Crafter tells you, "This reminds me, A lady near Zaikhal is looking for hunters."

You've earned 5,000 experience.

Ivory Crafter gives you Ash Tooth Dagger.

Ivory Crafter tells you, "Here is your reward. If you wish to know more, hand the dagger back to me as a sign of trust."

You allow Ivory Crafter to examine your Ash Tooth Dagger.

Ivory Crafter tells you, "Very good, you may keep your dagger. A lady near Zaikhal named Devana bint Hamudi is looking for skilled hunters."

Ivory Crafter gives you Introduction to Devana.

Ivory Crafter tells you, "Give this to her."

Update History Edit

Shadows of the Past

  • Quest introduced.

Thorns of the Hopeslayer

Heroes' Respite

A Perfect Paradox

From Darkness, Light

Learning From Experience

  • XP reward increased from 40,000,000 to 70,000,000.

The Quest for Freedom

  • Repeat timer changed from 13 days to 20 hours.

Unknown Event