Introduced:  Release
Harald the Fletcher
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Aluvian
Title Bowyer
Location 32.8N, 55.8E outside Arwic
Level 6
Strength 60
Endurance 40
Coordination 70
Quickness 80
Focus 50
Self 30
Health 45
Stamina 140
Mana 45

Notes Edit

  • Route: From Arwic run southwest to 32.8N, 55.8E
  • Sells at 155%, buys at 90%.

Currency Edit

Inventory Edit

Gems Edit

Trade Notes Edit

Weapons Edit

Fletching Items Edit

Lore & Dialog Edit


Harald the Fletcher tells you, "I'm still not sure about all this. But the High Queen says its safe here and Nuhmudira supposedly thinks well enough of the area to build a school someday. Maybe then it's safe. But I intend to watch my back, you should as well."

Buying From

Harald the Fletcher tells you, "At night I swear I hear whispers, but they're probably just my imagination. Here you go."

Selling To

Harald the Fletcher tells you, "With business as good as this, I'll have no problem selling this in a hurry."


Harald the Fletcher tells you, "Keep an arrow nocked, better prepared than sorry."

Retired (from Twilight's Gleaming)

Harald the Fletcher tells you, "Like the wrath of the heavens, it came... Don't ask me to speak of the light that obliterated our town."

Harald the Fletcher tells you, "Watch the skies! Watch the skies!"