Introduced:  Who Watches the Virindi? Related Quests:  Uncovering the Renegades
Hea Apostate Warlord
Class Tumerok
Level 185
Loot Tier
Attacks S/P/B
Weaknesses Fire
Strength 330
Endurance 300
Coordination 340
Quickness 325
Focus 320
Self 350
Health 3500
Stamina 6000
Mana 4000
Advanced Stats
Melee Attack
Melee Defense 547/629
Missile Attack
Missile Defense
Magic Attack 398
Magic Defense 416


Notes Edit

  • Found at the end of the Apostate Citadel Barracks.
  • Despite having "Hea" in its name, its creature class is the plain "Tumerok".