Introduced:  Dark Majesty
Hea Kiriona the Shopkeep
Non-Player Killer
Race Tumerok
Location 47.3N, 90.4W in Ahurenga
Level 11
Strength 80
Endurance 90
Coordination 95
Quickness 95
Focus 90
Self 60
Health 55
Stamina 100
Mana 70

Notes Edit

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Inventory Edit

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Keys, Tools Edit

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Dialog Edit


Hea Kiriona the Shopkeep tells you, "The strife in the south causes less trade. This is bad for both our peoples."

Buying From

Hea Kiriona the Shopkeep tells you, "Thank you."

Selling To

Hea Kiriona the Shopkeep tells you, "I am always interested in more of your goods."


Hea Kiriona the Shopkeep tells you, "Please come again. I am particularly interested in Viamontian items."