Introduced:  Throne of Destiny
Healer Deme du Laur
Non-Player Killer
Race Female Viamontian
Title Healer
Location 71.8N, 61.3W in Sanamar
Level 7
Strength 45
Endurance 50
Coordination 55
Quickness 60
Focus 40
Self 35
Health 135
Stamina 140
Mana 155

Notes Edit

  • Route: See Sanamar
  • See Healer for other similar shopkeepers.
  • Sells at 135%, buys at xx%.

Currency Edit

Inventory Edit

Miscellaneous Edit

Services Edit

Trade Notes Edit

Lore & Dialog Edit

Healer Deme du Laur's opening dialog is the the only one that differs between Viamontians and non-Viamontians.

Opening (Viamontians)

Healer Deme du Laur tells you, "I am happy to serve."

Opening (non-Viamontians)

Healer Deme du Laur tells you, "Though your skin be not of the same hue, I have pledged to aid all who ask it of me."

Buying From

Healer Deme du Laur tells you, "That will do you well, I think."

Selling To

Healer Deme du Laur tells you, "I thank you, friend."


Healer Deme du Laur tells you, "Return to me when you require aid and I will do all that I can."