Introduced:  Release
Healer Dragando the Leech
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Aluvian
Title Healer
Location 33.6N, 56.7E in Arwic
Level 7
Strength 20
Endurance 60
Coordination 20
Quickness 75
Focus 90
Self 65
Health 90
Stamina 160
Mana 165

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Healer Dragando the Leech tells you, "Do your wounds need tending?"

Buying From

Healer Dragando the Leech tells you, "Good health always comes at a price. It always comes down to whether you are willing to pay that price."

Selling To

Healer Dragando the Leech tells you, "My thanks."


Healer Dragando the Leech tells you, "Now even the land has healed a sight I had longed to behold."

Retired (from Twilight's Gleaming)

Dragando the Leech tells you, "The destruction in Arwic sure kept me busy with healing!"

Dragando the Leech tells you, "Unfortunately I have to charge higher prices, merely to keep my business viable."

Dragando the Leech tells you, "Please do take care of yourself. I've seen enough suffering lately."