Introduced:  Release
Healer Hisuf ibn Shudir
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Gharu'ndim
Title Healer
Location 13.8N 0.1E in Zaikhal
Level 16
Strength 150
Endurance 120
Coordination 100
Quickness 100
Focus 50
Self 50
Health 170
Stamina 230
Mana 170

Notes Edit

  • Route: See Zaikhal, then a bit W and uphill
  • See Healer for other similar shopkeepers.
  • Sells at 145%, buys at 90%.

Currency Edit


Inventory Edit

Miscellaneous Edit

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Trade Notes Edit

Lore & Dialog Edit


Healer Hisuf ibn Shudir tells you, "Welcome!"

Healer Hisuf ibn Shudir tells you, "What ails you, my friend?"

Buying From

Healer Hisuf ibn Shudir tells you, "You made a wonderful purchase!"

Selling To

Healer Hisuf ibn Shudir tells you, "It will be my pleasure to resell this!"

Healer Hisuf ibn Shudir tells you, "I will buy this from you."


Healer Hisuf ibn Shudir tells you, "May you remain in good health, my friend."

Healer Hisuf ibn Shudir tells you, "May all your suffering be short!"