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A former town guard, one of the slaves, together with his brothers Baranaith, Farelaith and Korogaith, that escaped together with Grael from the gladiator pits in Haebrous during the Grael Rebellion.[1]He was the second eldest of the four brothers who's father was forced to sell them to the imperial slavers.[2]
Farelaith distrusted Grael, and convinced his brothers to go their own way. After stealing a ship and not knowing how to sail, they arrived in Dereth near the mouth of a river.[1]
They met up with Grael again, traveling in the land they did not know. Grael convinced them to join him, and follow the call to the north he felt.[1]
One night, Farelaith woke up, and found Grael and his brothers caught in some sort of dark magic. Grael seemed to undergo his transformation willingly, but his brothers were wrapped in darkness and started screaming. Farelaith managed to overcome his paralysis and ran. In his fear of Grael, he did not even look back to see what had become of his brothers. [1]
As a Shadow Phantom having lost his name, Hiranaith serves in the Temple of Stirring Shadows, but still recognizable by the weapon he wields.[2]
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- Shadow Phantom - Hiranaith now is an unnamed Shadow in the Temple of Stirring Shadows
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Hiranaith as a Shadow