Introduced: | Hidden Vein |
- Value: 100,000
- Burden: 50
- A Horn of Vigilance! Another fine product from Telk the Addlepated. This item can be used on a floor hook.
Notes Edit
- When attached to a hook and used the Horn will make a very unique sound, which is apparently used to drive away Olthoi and other undesirable creatures.
- Because of its relatively high value compared to its low burden it is a popular Death Item.
Crafting the Horn of Vigilance Edit
- Locate a Sunflower and bring it to Lilly of Glenden Wood. She will give you Sunflower Oil and 7,500 xp in return.
- Return to Coron Usgin and give him the Sunflower Oil. He will give you a Crafting the Horn of Vigilance book and a Carving Knife.
- Locate a Grievver Tibia, Large Niffis Shell, Sharp Tusker Slave Tusk, and an Undead Femur Bone.
- The Tibia is dropped by Virulent Grievvers, which can be found in the Grievver Caves near the entrance.
- The Niffis Shell is dropped by Sephal Niffi, which can be found east of Ithaenc Cathedral at the base of the waterfall.
- The Tusk is dropped by Tusker Slave, which can be found in the Tusker Quarters via the Facility Hub.
- The Femur is dropped by Lich Lords and is also a reward from the mid stakes at each of the Casinos.
- Use the Carving Knife on each item, and then assemble them all onto the carved Niffis Shell to get the completed Horn:
Update History Edit