Introduced: | Betrayal | Related Quests: | Horn of Vigilance |
- Value: 100
- Burden: 10
- This flower can be added to a vase to make a lovely floral arrangement for a house.
- A bright yellow sunflower. Breathing the ethereal fragrance from this blossom, you are suddenly nostalgic for the grassy meadows of Ispar.
Notes Edit
- Can be hooked as is, or added to a Crystal Vase for Crystal Vase with Sunflowers.
- Hand to Lilly of Glenden Wood to receive Sunflower Oil:
- You give Lilly of Glenden Wood Sunflower.
- Lilly of Glenden Wood tells you, "There you go! A nice supply of Sunflower oil."
- You've earned 7,500 experience.
- Lilly of Glenden Wood gives you Sunflower Oil.