Introduced:  Repercussions
Ichi Ji
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Sho
Title Shopkeeper
Location Martine's Retreat
Level 8
Strength 75
Endurance 60
Coordination 75
Quickness 60
Focus 50
Self 40
Health 120
Stamina 160
Mana 110

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Ichi Ji tells you, "I've never had a customer that didn't live down here with us before. This has been an odd time. Now you people are crawling all over the place. There's nothing to see here."

Buying From

Ichi Ji tells you, "About time you accepted my price."

Selling To

Ichi Ji tells you, "Yeah, yeah that's great. I have real customers you know! Those that didn't turn their backs on Ispar."


Ichi Ji tells you, "Okay you got your wares, outsider, now move along!"