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Walkthrough & Notes     Dungeons & Maps     Rewards     Images     Dialog     Update History
Level: 275
Type: Solo
Starts At: Viridian Rise
Repeat: 20 Hours

Overview Edit

Reset your character to level 1, losing all experience and luminance but gaining a title, two points in vitality and one point in all of your skills. In order to be eligible for enlightenment, you must be level 275, Master rank in a Society, and have all luminance auras with the exception of the skill credit auras.

As stated in the Spring 2014 patch notes, Enlightenment is a process for the most devoted players of Asheron's Call to continue enhancing characters which have been "maxed out" in terms of experience and abilities. It was not intended to be a quest that every player would undertake or be interested in.

Walkthrough & Notes Edit

  1. Take the Temple of the Font portal located at the base of the Deru Tree on the Viridian Rise.
    • Note: This is a one way trip, there is no portal to get back to the tree.
  2. If you meet the requirements you can click on the Font of Enlightenment and Rebirth to enlighten your character.
    • Requirements:
      • Level 275
      • Have all luminance auras (crafting aura included) except the 2 skill credit auras. (20 million total luminance)
      • Have master rank in a society
      • Have 25 unused pack spaces
      • Have become enlightened less than 5 times.
  3. If you choose to become enlightened|
    • You lose:
      • All experience, reverting to level 1.
      • All luminance and luminance auras with the exception of the skill credit auras.
      • The ability to use aetheria (until you attain sufficient level and re-open aetheria slots).
      • The ability to gain luminance (until you attain level 200 and re-complete Nalicana's Test).
      • The ability to equip and use items which have skill and level requirements beyond those of a level 1 character. Any equipped items are moved into your pack automatically.
    • You keep:
    • You gain:
  4. Known Bugs: In the initial release and first hotfix to the Spring 2014 patch, there are bugs in the enlightenment process.
    • Sometimes the character fails to receive the attribute reset certificate for some reason. This does not seem to be related to being overburdened, but can be caused by being at 300% burden after reverting to level 1.

Rewards Edit

1st Enlightenment
Titles: Awakened
2nd Enlightenment
Titles: Enlightened
3rd Enlightenment
Titles: Illuminated
4th Enlightenment
Titles: Transcended
5th Enlightenment
Titles: Cosmic Conscious

Images Edit

Click image for full size version.

Dialog Edit

You have become enlightened and view the world with new eyes.

Your available skill credits have been adjusted.

You have risen to a higher tier of enlightenment!

[Character Name] has achieved the 1st level of Enlightenment!

[Character Name] has achieved the 2nd level of Enlightenment!

[Character Name] has achieved the 3rd level of Enlightenment!

[Character Name] has achieved the 4th level of Enlightenment!

[Character Name] has achieved the 5th level of Enlightenment!

Update History Edit

Spring 2014 Update

  • Quest introduced.