Related topics: Isparian Weapons
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Isparian Weapons Quest | |
Level: | ?? |
Type: | Group |
Starts At: | ?? |
Repeat: | ?? |
Quest Overview Edit
- Quest to gain a weapon forged from pyreal using pure mana. These weapons were designed during the Elements of Revenge story arc for use against Elementals, but they can also be adapted for fighting Shadows. See Atlan Stones for more information.
Walk Through Edit
Step 1: Creating the Perfect Diamond Infused Pyreal Ingot Edit
- [Optional] Speak with Alaine the Apprentice in Xarabydun.
- Proceed to the Arcanum Research Facility outside of Al-Jalima and pick up Enchanted Decanters. There is no limit to how many you can take, but bear in mind their burden.
- Proceed to the Fathomless Chasm near Shoushi.
- Locate the level-appropriate sub-dungeon within the Fathomless Chasm and enter with your group.
- Fill your Decanters in the pool at the end of the dungeon to get Decanter of Essence (no longer Attuned and Bonded, and now stackable to 10)
- To create an Isparian Weapon, you will need to get an Alchemist to craft you a Quality Diamond Infused Pyreal Ingot, Superb Diamond Infused Pyreal Ingot, or a Perfect Diamond Infused Pyreal Ingot:
- Combine a Decanter of Essence with Diamond Powder to create Thick Diamond Oil (Alchemy Skill Check):
- Combine Thick Diamond Oil with a Quality Pyreal Ingot to create a Perfect Diamond Infused Pyreal Ingot (Alchemy Skill Check):
Step 2: Forging the Isparian Weapon at Crater Lake Village Edit
- Once you have your Ingot, buff up and proceed to Crater Lake Village.
- Go up the tower and shop with Silencia the Archmage. Purchase a New <Weapon> Glyph (see below).
- Combine your New <Weapon> Glyph with your Perfect Diamond Infused Pyreal Ingot to create a Perfect Isparian <weapon> Ingot (weapon skill check)
- Hand your Perfect Isparian <weapon> Ingot to Silencia's Magma Golem next to Silencia the Archmage to obtain an Isparian Weapon.
Step 3: Adding Stones to your Weapon Edit
- There are a range of stones available for the Isparian Weapons that can add elemental damage and special properties such as Slayers. See Atlan Stones for more information.
Step 3b: Creating the Isparian Weapons Modifying Tool Edit
- To obtain an Isparian Weapons Modifying Tool used to remove Atlan Stones from a weapon, you will need the assistance of an Alchemist again:
- Combine a Decanter of Essence with Ground Chorizite to get Nullification Oil (Alchemy Skill Check):
- Combine the Nullification Oil with a Diamond Heart to get a Treated Diamond Heart (Alchemy Skill Check):
- Use an Intricate Carving Tool on the Treated Diamond Heart to get an Isparian Weapons Modifying Tool. (Lockpick Skill Check)
Maps Edit
Some maps may show more than one dungeon per page
Dungeon | Coordinates | Wiki Map | ACmaps |
Arcanum Research Facility | 5.8N, 6.3E | -- | 545B |
Fathomless Chasm | 36.9S, 63.4E | -- | 545E |
Fathomless Chasm Devex | Inside Fathomless Chasm | -- | 545E |
Fathomless Chasm Abyss | Inside Fathomless Chasm | -- | 5460 |
Fathomless Chasm Clough | Inside Fathomless Chasm | -- | 545F |
Fathomless Chasm Descent | Inside Fathomless Chasm | -- | 5460 |
Fathomless Chasm Plummet | Inside Fathomless Chasm | -- | 545F |
Items Edit
Quest Texts
Isparian Arms (Text)
Treatise on Essence
Quest Items
Enchanted Decanter
Decanter of Essence
Thin Diamond Oil
Thick Diamond Oil
Perfect Diamond Infused Pyreal Ingot
Nullification Oil
Treated Diamond Heart
Diamond Powder
Ground Chorizite
Intricate Carving Tool
Finesse Weapons Glyph
Heavy Weapons Glyph
Light Weapons Glyph
Magic Glyph
Missile Weapons Glyph
Two Handed Weapons Glyph
Images Edit
Click image for full size version.
Alaine the Apprentice
One of the Decanter Rooms in the Arcanum Research Facility.
Fathomless Chasm
Crystal Golem Imperator guarding the Essence Font
Lore & Dialog Edit
- Alaine the Apprentice tells you, "Hello! If you are willing, we have a task for you."
- Alaine the Apprentice tells you, "The Arcanum lost some important research when Martine raided our Research Facility near Al-Jalima. Martine seems to be gone now, but his minions remain, preventing us from retrieving the decanters we need."
- Alaine the Apprentice tells you, "If you can go there and find the decanters, then you can journey to the Fathomless Chasm, a wellspring of pure mana, and use the decanters to collect the essence there. This essence is required to forge the new pyreal weapons, which we are calling Isparian."
- Alaine the Apprentice tells you, "Here -- I have literature that explains all this."
- Alaine the Apprentice gives you Isparian Arms.
- Alaine the Apprentice gives you Treatise on Essence.
- Alaine the Apprentice tells you, "The locations of the Research Facility and the Fathomless Chasm are written on the flyleaves."
Notes Edit
Update History Edit
- Weapons are no longer attuned (even if stoned)
- No longer cast debuffs
- Some lowered skill requirements, increased damage and new spells
- New NPC - Alaine the Apprentice
- Emissary of Asheron step no longer necessary
- New skill check on Ingots
- Decanter + Diamond Powder = Thick Oil, skill check 300
- New Ingot Descriptions
- Fathomless Chasm Devex: was 20-29, now 20-39
- Fathomless Chasm Clough: was 30-39, now 40-49
- Fathomless Chasm Plummet: was 40-49, now 50-59
- Fathomless Chasm Descent: was 50-70, now 60-79
- Fathomless Chasm Abyss: was 70+, now 80+
- Two Handed Spear available.
- Several changes made to how Isparian Weapons are made, and the availability of which weapons you can create.