Introduced:  Should the Stars Fall
Jeweler Imad Nedjim
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Gharu'ndim
Title Jeweler
Location Kryst 74.4S 84.7E
Level 12
Strength 100
Endurance 95
Coordination 90
Quickness 100
Focus 100
Self 75
Health 58
Stamina 105
Mana 85

Notes Edit

Currency Edit


Inventory Edit

Gems Edit

Jewelry Edit

Alchemical Items Edit

Trade Notes Edit

Lore & Dialog Edit


Jeweler Imad Nedjim tells you, "Heh, I just opened this place, and I'm making pyreals hand over fist! You guys are great!"

Buying From

Jeweler Imad Nedjim tells you, "Thanks a lot!"

Jeweler Imad Nedjim tells you, "It's great that you give actual money for shiny baubles!"

Selling To

Jeweler Imad Nedjim tells you, "Thanks for selling this to me. I may be able to sell it to some other su... err, customer."


Jeweler Imad Nedjim tells you, "Leaving so soon?"