Introduced:  Hollow Victory
Jeweler Jurraf al-Djiqidh
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Gharu'ndim
Title Jeweler
Location Xarabydun
Level 11
Strength 90
Endurance 100
Coordination 80
Quickness 70
Focus 90
Self 75
Health 60
Stamina 110
Mana 85

Notes Edit

  • See Jeweler for other similar shopkeepers.
  • Sells at 135%, buys at 90%.

Currency Edit


Inventory Edit

Gems Edit

Jewelry Edit

Keys, Tools Edit

Trade Notes Edit

Lore & Dialog Edit


Jeweler Jurraf al-Djiqidh tells you, "What do you want?"

Buying From

Jeweler Jurraf al-Djiqidh tells you, "Good, good. Anything else?"

Selling To

Jeweler Jurraf al-Djiqidh tells you, "Hmph. Probably a worthless geode. I'll examine this carefully - if it's a fake, I'll have the Bey run you out of town."


Jeweler Jurraf al-Djiqidh tells you, "Come back when you're ready to buy more!"