Jin Ato
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Sho
Title Arcanum Collector
Location 33.4S, 6.3E
Level 70
Strength 290
Endurance 200
Coordination 290
Quickness 280
Focus 190
Self 190
Health 296
Stamina 396
Mana 386

Notes Edit

  • Route: Take Ijaniya at 22.4S, 0.2E south of Yaraq, then run to 33.4S 6.3E.

Dialog Edit

Jin Ato tells you, "Greetings adventurer. I am Jin Ato a member of the Arcanum. The arcanum sent me to retrieve remnants of Gearknight as well as anything else you may collect from their encampment."

Jin Ato tells you, "I have been instructed to reward adventurers for lots of 10 Depleted Aetherium Ore as well as Gold Aetherium Core Fragments once a day."

Jin Ato tells you, "I'll also accept fragments of any Gearknight cores you may find. I'll take as many as you can get me."