Introduced:  Release
Jo Gau the Grocer
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Sho
Title Grocer
Location Nanto 52.5S, 82.4E
Level 7
Strength 75
Endurance 60
Coordination 65
Quickness 60
Focus 50
Self 50
Health 40
Stamina 70
Mana 65

Notes Edit

  • Route: See Nanto.
  • See Farmer and Grocer for other similar shopkeepers.
  • Sells at 135%, buys at 90%.

Currency Edit


Inventory Edit

Food Edit

Cooking Items Edit

Lore & Dialog Edit


Jo Gau the Grocer tells you, "I hope I may be of service."

Buying From

Jo Gau the Grocer tells you, "Thank you."

Selling To

Jo Gau the Grocer tells you, "Very good."


Jo Gau the Grocer tells you, "Thank you. Enjoy your stay in Nanto."