Introduced:  The Quest for Freedom Related Quests:  Legendary Quests, Legendary Key Quests
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Aluvian
Title Gold Smith
Location 33.6N, 56.7E in Arwic
Level 276
Strength 100
Endurance 70
Coordination 60
Quickness 40
Focus 30
Self 30
Health 55
Stamina 90
Mana 40

Notes Edit

  • Route: Located in Arwic at 33.6N, 56.7E

Lore & Dialog Edit

John tells you, "I don't usually do quests. But when I do, I do legendary ones."
John tells you, "If you want to be like me. Go complete 30 of the truly legendary quests and I will reward you."
John tells you, "Best of luck."

Upon completing 30 Legendary Key Quests
John tells you, "Well done sir. If you keep this up you just might be as legendary as me one day."
You've earned 500,000 Luminance.
John gives you Legendary Key.

Update History Edit

Patch Name

  • ??