Introduced:  Release
Kan Chi Gai the Healer
Non-Player Killer
Race Female Sho
Title Healer
Location Wai Jhou 61.9S, 51.5W, second floor
Level 9
Strength 80
Endurance 70
Coordination 50
Quickness 65
Focus 55
Self 50
Health 135
Stamina 155
Mana 140

Notes Edit

  • Route: See Wai Jhou
  • See Healer for other similar shopkeepers.
  • Sells at 190%, buys at 70%.

Currency Edit

Inventory Edit

Books, Paper Edit

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Trade Notes Edit

Lore & Dialog Edit


Kan Chi Gai the Healer tells you, "Seek the humble path to greatness."

Kan Chi Gai the Healer tells you, "Welcome, I provide a simple service to those in need of healing."

Buying From

Kan Chi Gai the Healer tells you, "Sometimes it is best to retreat and heal so that you may fight from a position of power."

Kan Chi Gai the Healer tells you, "You mustn't thirst for the kill, show mercy whenever possible."

Selling To

Kan Chi Gai the Healer tells you, "Seek the compassionate path to victory."

Kan Chi Gai the Healer tells you, "Thank you, I can use these."


Kan Chi Gai the Healer tells you, "Be careful out there, especially of the Virindi."

Other Sayings (may accompany any of the above interactions)

Kan Chi Gai the Healer tells you, "May the Dragon protect you from harm, the Unicorn bless you and the Firebird lead you on your path."

Kan Chi Gai the Healer tells you, "May you find your balance in the stones that pave the Path to Paradise."

Kan Chi Gai the Healer tells you, "Let compassion be in your every thought and action, as you strive to help others in their paths."

Kan Chi Gai the Healer tells you, "Let detachment guard you. Without detachment you will be unable to let go and move forward."

Kan Chi Gai the Healer tells you, "Let discipline hone you. Without discipline you will tire and fall away."

Kan Chi Gai the Healer tells you, "Let humility dwell within you. Without humility you will be easily misled and lose your way."