Introduced:  What Once was Lost Related Quests:  Machinist's Gloves Quest Updated:  Old Ghosts
Non-Player Killer
Race Female Aluvian
Title Machinist
Location Mar'uun
Level 49
Strength 190
Endurance 150
Coordination 235
Quickness 120
Focus 270
Self 100
Health 75
Stamina 160
Mana 100

Notes Edit

  • With the destruction of Mar'uun, Kaywin disappeared without leaving a corpse. There is a Scrap of Paper in the room with the Machine, author unknown, maybe Kaywin?
  • Route: From Al-Arqas, take the Al-Nosaj portal at 33.5S, 13.1E. Then run to the Mar'uun at 10.6S, 17.1E.
  • She gives you a list of Missing Mechanisms that she needs you to find in order to fix the Stabilizing Machine in Mar'uun.

Dialog Edit

Opening Dialog

Kaywin tells you, "Beautiful piece of work isn't she?"

Kaywinnit looks at the machine quizzically.

Kaywin tells you, "No matter how many time I fix her she just seems to keep breaking down."

Kaywin gives you Missing Mechanisms.

Kaywin tells you, "A friend of mine found that list, it's full of wonderful things I could use. With my skills and those parts I could keep her running indefinitely."
Idle chat

Kaywin says, "How am I supposed to fix this with nothing but naught? Maybe I'll get a few more pieces of alloy today... that'd be so great!"