Introduced:  A Reign of Stone
Kifandal the Imbuer
Non-Player Killer
Race Lugian
Location Linvak Tukal, very high up in the Mage Tower
Level 66
Strength 280
Endurance 250
Coordination 200
Quickness 150
Focus 210
Self 210
Health 235
Stamina 350
Mana 360

Notes Edit

  • Route: Yaraq has a portal straight to Linvak Tukal in a bunker at 21.8S 1.0W.
  • See Archmage for similar shopkeepers.
  • Buys at 80%, sells at 170%.
  • Sells plats, pyreal, gold scarabs, and peas.

Currency Edit

Inventory Edit

Books, Paper Edit

Gems Edit

Miscellaneous Edit

Mana Stones Edit

Magic Items Edit

Alchemical Items Edit

Spell Components Edit

Trade Notes Edit

Dialog Edit


Kifandal the Imbuer tells you, "Doubtless you heard about the infiltration. The demons took us unawares, late at night. Were it not for Captain K'rank, I fear our city would have fallen. Though you're not like to hear him say much about it. His battle prowess is rivaled only by his modesty."

Buying From

Kifandal the Imbuer tells you, "Thank you. With more pyreals, we will be able to smelt more weapons."

Selling To

Kifandal the Imbuer tells you, "Thank you. I may be able to use this in my research..."


Kifandal the Imbuer tells you, "Seek out Lord Kresovus. He may have need of your aid."

Retired (from A Reign of Stone)

Kifandal the Imbuer tells you, "My power is not enough to conceal the castle from view any longer. The Gotrok have destroyed the magic that protects us. Linvak's fate rests in your somewhat small hands."