Introduced:  Release
Lalid al-Jasi the Jeweler
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Gharu'ndim
Title Jeweler
Location 13.8S, 5.5E in Tufa
Level 9
Strength 85
Endurance 85
Coordination 60
Quickness 100
Focus 30
Self 35
Health 133
Stamina 185
Mana 65

Notes Edit

  • Route: See Tufa
  • See Jeweler for other similar shopkeepers.
  • Sells at 135%, buys at 90%.

Currency Edit


Inventory Edit

Gems Edit

Jewelry Edit

Trade Notes Edit

Lore & Dialog Edit


Lalid al-Jasi the Jeweler tells you, "I've decided to move in with old Afsan. We're still trying to get materials to rebuild his bar."

Buying From

Lalid al-Jasi the Jeweler tells you, "My former business partner ran away to Xarabydun, to hide from the Shadows. She's quite mad, you know."

Lalid al-Jasi the Jeweler tells you, "It seemed appropriate to go into business with Afsan. His bar was called 'The Desert Emerald,' after all."

Selling To

Lalid al-Jasi the Jeweler tells you, "Sure, I can use that."


Lalid al-Jasi the Jeweler tells you, "I hope we get the new place finished soon. I don't feel safe sleeping under the stars, with my stock rolled up in a coat under my head."
Lalid al-Jasi the Jeweler tells you, "I mean... in the Incunabula Vault. I keep my stock there."