Leather Crafter says, "Have you the skins of armoredillos, gromnies, or reedsharks? I can use them in my craft."
Leather Crafter tells you, "If you give me the hide of an armoredillo, gromnie, reedshark, or mattekar, I can make something with it that you may find useful."
Retired local area message
Leather Crafter takes the object and meticulously fashions it into a new shape.
Gauloth Shreth Hide
You give Leather Crafter Gauloth Shreth Hide.
Leather Crafter tells you, "Let's see. The hide is thick and leathery, and aside from the small bony protrusions it's in fine shape. I think a nice set of leggings."
Leather Crafter gives you Gauloth Leggings.
Leather Crafter tells you, "There you go."
Plate Armoredillo Hide
You give Leather Crafter Plate Armoredillo Hide.
Leather Crafter tells you, "This is large enough to craft into a well fitting cuirass I think."
Leather Crafter gives you Armoredillo Hide Cuirass.
Rendeath Shreth Hide
You give Leather Crafter Rendeath Shreth Hide.
Leather Crafter tells you, "Another fine specimen. A little thicker than the last shreth hide I was given to work with. Let me have a moment and I'll... Yes, yes that's it!"