Related topics: Leikotha Arenir

Non-Player Killer
Race Female Undead
Title Haebrous Blademaster
Location 10.1S 31.3E in Leikotha's Crypt
Level 72
Strength 145
Endurance 80
Coordination 80
Quickness 80
Focus 75
Self 75
Health 80
Stamina 280
Mana 75

Notes Edit

  • Route: Take the Yinar portal in Samsur at 0.9S 18.9E then run west to the sepulcher at 10.1S 31.3E.
  • During the The Slumbering Giant event, Leikotha was changed from a creature to a NPC.

Lore & Dialog Edit

Idle messages

In your mind, a soft voice sighs, "Please leave me be... I wish thee no harm."

In your mind, a soft voice sighs, "Disturb me not... Travel past this hole in the earth."

In your mind, a soft voice sighs, "So many turns of the world have passed. When shall my torment end?"
Opening dialog

Leikotha tells you, "Ai, another comes, breaking mine wretched musings. Why have you come to this sandy tomb, filled with unnatural beasts? Is your heart filled with greed, seeking what treasures may lay within? Or is your heart of a more noble nature, perhaps seeking to release me from this torment? It matters not, for I have but one thing to offer you."

Leikotha gives you Broken Haft.

Leikotha tells you, "Like so many things found on this unhappy world, it is broken. Once though it belonged to a friend. One like thee. One who hoped to release me. Ai, he failed... he failed."

Leikotha tells you, "Take the haft, I would see it used again in his name than have it stay with me and crumble to dust. If thou have no use for the Haft, I would still see it as it once was. Return the haft to me, repaired, and I will reward thee. Those that surround me speak of one of thy kind who may know how to set it to order once more. Look for her at 1.7 S, 36.6 E."
Repeated dialog

Leikotha tells you, "I have given you all I have to offer. Take the haft, seek the one at 1.7 S, 36.6 E."
Giving Ashbane to Leikotha

You give Leikotha Ashbane.

Leikotha releases a dry, rasping gasp.

Leikotha tells you, "Ashbane... mine own sword."

Leikotha examines her sword, feeling the weight of the blade in her hands.

Leikotha tells you, "I had dropped this on the hill of Ayn Tayan... My rage had so blinded me. Ferah, had played me for the fool..."

Leikotha tells you, "Spinning lies in my mind..."

Leikotha tells you, "What I did..."

A sound slowly builds within Leikotha, until finally an unearthly scream emanates from her. You feel the din about to deafen you when the scream stops.

Leikotha tells you, "Why... why..."

Leikotha stares silently at the blade of the sword.

Leikotha tells you, "How... where... ai, thy mind tells me that thou has found in one of Aerfalle's caches. Foul magus that she is. I shall reward thee for thy efforts."

You've earned 13,765,337 experience.

Leikotha tells you, "Now leave me. Leave me with my bitter memories..."

Leikotha teleports you with Free Ride to the Abandoned Mine.
Giving Superior Ashbane to Leikotha

You give Leikotha Superior Ashbane.

Leikotha releases a dry, rasping gasp.

Leikotha tells you, "Ashbane... mine own sword."

Leikotha examines her sword, feeling the weight of the blade in her hands.

Leikotha tells you, "I had dropped this on the hill of Ayn Tayan... My rage had so blinded me. Ferah, had played me for the fool..."

Leikotha tells you, "Spinning lies in my mind..."

Leikotha tells you, "What I did..."

A sound slowly builds within Leikotha, until finally an unearthly scream emanates from her. You feel the din about to deafen you when the scream stops.

Leikotha tells you, "Why... why..."

Leikotha stares silently at the blade of the sword.

Leikotha tells you, "How... where... ai, thy mind tells me that thou has found in one of Aerfalle's caches. Foul magus that she is. I shall reward thee for thy efforts."

You've earned 13,765,337 experience.

Leikotha tells you, "Now leave me. Leave me with my bitter memories..."

Leikotha teleports you with Free Ride to the Abandoned Mine.
Giving Reforge Ashbane to Leikotha

You give Leikotha Reforged Ashbane.

Leikotha releases a dry, rasping gasp.

Leikotha tells you, "Ashbane... mine own sword."

Leikotha examines her sword, feeling the weight of the blade in her hands.

Leikotha tells you, "I had dropped this on the hill of Ayn Tayan... My rage had so blinded me. Ferah, had played me for the fool..."

Leikotha tells you, "Spinning lies in my mind..."

Leikotha tells you, "What I did..."

A sound slowly builds within Leikotha, until finally an unearthly scream emanates from her. You feel the din about to deafen you when the scream stops.

Leikotha tells you, "Why... why..."

Leikotha stares silently at the blade of the sword.

Leikotha tells you, "Leikotha stares silently at the blade of the sword."

Leikotha tells you, "How... where... ai, thy mind tells me that thou has found in one of Aerfalle's caches. Foul magus that she is. Worse, she's meddled with my sword's enchantments. Nothing is sacred anymore..."

Leikotha tells you, "I shall reward thee for thy efforts."

You've earned 50,000,000 experience.

Leikotha tells you, "Now leave me. Leave me with my bitter memories..."

Leikotha teleports you with Free Ride to the Abandoned Mine.