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Lower Empyrean Lightning Cistern
Quests Empyrean Propylaeum
Restrictions Level: 50
Tieable: No
Recallable: No
Summonable: No
Coordinates 87.1S, 9.6E
near Qalaba'r
Nearest LS ??
Route From Arwic take the Artifice Cottages settlement portal at 32.9N, 59.4E, and then run to 87.1S, 9.6E.
Map Files: ACMaps Map
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The Empyrean Lightning Propylaeum has a lower and an upper section which requires two teams to pull levers in each area so the other team can continue on.

The reward for the lower team is a Fragment of the Lightning Prism and the reward for the uppers is a Galvanic Bracelet.

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Lightning Elemental

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