Introduced:  A Reign of Stone
Lubrik the Resupplier
Non-Player Killer
Race Lugian
Location Linvak Tukal, NE Corner, 77.4S, 28.2E
Level 57
Strength 280
Endurance 250
Coordination 200
Quickness 150
Focus 165
Self 170
Health 215
Stamina 350
Mana 240

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Lore & Dialog Edit


Lubrik the Resupplier tells you, "The ease with which they infiltrated our walls! They must have placed someone on the inside long ago. Probably some turncoat Isparian, if you ask me."

Buying From

Lubrik the Resupplier tells you, "We are running out of those, so use it with caution."

Selling To

Lubrik the Resupplier tells you, "Thank you. Hopefully this will help our cause."


Lubrik the Resupplier tells you, "I thank you for your business. But if you wish to do us a true service, speak with Lord Kresovus. We must not allow such crimes to go unpunished."