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Lyra Shardfinder
Non-Player Killer
Race Female Aluvian
Title Lifestone Shard Collector
Location Adventurer's Haven
Level 275
Strength 200
Endurance 200
Coordination 290
Quickness 290
Focus 260
Self 200
Health 296
Stamina 396
Mana 396

Notes Edit

  • Route: Take Haven portal from Annex side in Town Network.
  • You must turn in an item on a Lifestone Shard Collector flagged toon to receive the daily task.
  • Handing her the Sword from the pedestal next to her will return a kill task while the Tome will give you a quest. The tasks are random and you have 20 hours to complete and turn in the task.
  • Lyra Shardfinder has a small chance of rewarding Foolproof salvage when turning in the daily tasks.

Lore & Dialog Edit

Lyra Shardfinder tells you, "Goodday to you, adventurer. Interested in becoming a Lifestone Shard Collector? If so, show me your token."

Lyra Shardfinder tells you, "Greetings fellow Collector. We have identified some possible Lifestone Shard sites that we need investigated."
Lyra Shardfinder tells you, "If you're interested in an adventure, hand me the tome there and I'll find a quest for you."
Lyra Shardfinder tells you, "If you would rather hunt down a particular creature, hand me the sword and I shall assign you a kill task."
Lyra Shardfinder tells you, "Once you have made your choice, I will only explain your mission to you once. It's not my job to keep you organized."

You give Lyra Shardfinder Sword.
Lyra Shardfinder tells you, "In Sanamar, talk to Malrin at 71.8N, 60.8W. You will need to kill 50 Coral Golems. Bring back the "Reef Builder Plaque" as proof that the deed is done."
Lyra Shardfinder tells you, "I'll expect your report of the area upon your return. I will give you 20 hours, starting now."

You give Lyra Shardfinder Tome.
Lyra Shardfinder tells you, "Begin by killing the Mukkir Progenitor on Dark Isle and work with Hoshar ibn Jalaq in Ayan Baquar to access the Abyssal Totem Temple. Bring me the "Shard of the Abyssal Totem" as proof of your survey of the temple."
Lyra Shardfinder tells you, "I'll expect your report of the area upon your return. I will give you 20 hours, starting now."

Lyra Shardfinder tells you, "Well done! Thank you for providing your report of the area."
You've earned 30,000 Luminance.
Lyra Shardfinder gives you 10 Mana-Infused Key Fragments.
Lyra Shardfinder gives you Lifestone Shard

Lyra Shardfinder tells you, "My records show I've already given you a Quest assignment for the day. I hope you kept good records of what it was."

You can receive another assignment in 19h 24m 10s.