Introduced:  The Iron Coast
Non-Player Killer
Race Female Gharu'ndim
Title Archmage
Location 2.2N, 95.6E in Oolutanga's Refuge
Level 7
Strength 20
Endurance 60
Coordination 20
Quickness 75
Focus 90
Self 65
Health 80
Stamina 110
Mana 135

Notes Edit

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  • No plats, pyreal, gold scarabs, no peas.

Trade Notes Edit

Lore & Dialog Edit


Mage tells you, "Hoo, ooo oo oo?"

Buying From

Mage tells you, "Ooo oo ah."

Selling To

Mage tells you, "Aaa, aaa aaa oo ooo Ooo!"


Mage tells you, "Aaa oo."