Introduced:  Dark Materials Related Quests:  Aerbax's Prodigal Shadow
Message to the Shadow Artifex
  • Value: 0
  • Burden: 50
  • This item cannot be read, but a scholar of the ways of the may be able to decode the message contained within.

    1 of 1 pages full.
  • This Virindi message shard was taken from the Artifex of the Living Darkness.
[You cannot understand the writing on this.]

Notes Edit

You give Diyas al-Yat Message to the Shadow Artifex.

Diyas al-Yat tells you, "Most fascinating. There is a resonance to this message shard that you do not see in those that come from most Virindi... A sympathetic resonance that is almost human..."

Diyas al-Yat tells you, "This shard came from Aerbax, did it not? Forgive me, I should not ask such questions. I remember what happened the last time I delved too deeply into the affairs of that one. Here is your translation."

Diyas al-Yat gives you Translated Shadow Artifex Shard.

  • This text has no given author.