Introduced:  Dark Majesty
Micon Stuvis the Barkeep
Non-Player Killer
Race Aluvian
Title Barkeeper
Location 40.7N, 83.0W in Redspire
Level 7
Strength 80
Endurance 75
Coordination 60
Quickness 70
Focus 40
Self 20
Health 138
Stamina 195
Mana 45

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Lore & Dialog Edit


Micon Stuvis the Barkeep tells you, "Say what you will about the invaders, but they do have fascinating tales to tell."

Buying From

Micon Stuvis the Barkeep tells you, "All are welcome at the Siraluun's Wing, even Viamontians... as long as they can pay."

Selling To

Micon Stuvis the Barkeep tells you, "If you're sure you don't need this..."


Micon Stuvis the Barkeep tells you, "It's ironic... I advised Bachus to move here for her safety, and then this happened."


Micon Stuvis the Barkeep tells you, "With all the adventurers coming through Redspire, I've certainly heard a lot of interesting tales."

Micon Stuvis the Barkeep tells you, "Come back whenever you have the time, traveler. I'm always up for a bit of gossip. Why, even the other day Bachus Flufens, came by and told me quite the tall tale about some Tumerok Warrior and his 'living' spear... I know I should have cut her off sooner, but you know... she probably doesn't have too many amusements over there on the western shore..."