Introduced:  A Reign of Stone
Monty the Munificent
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Aluvian
Title Gambler Boss
Location Monty's Den of Iniquity near Holtburg at 40.8N, 33.6E
Level 20
Strength 120
Endurance 100
Coordination 180
Quickness 180
Focus 120
Self 120
Health 55
Stamina 210
Mana 125

Notes Edit

Gambling Mosswart Thanking Stones Edit

Prize Chance
Iron Pea 60%
Pack Cow <5%
Pack Drudge <5%
Pack Golem <5%
Pack Grievver <5%
Pack Idol <5%
Pack Lugian <5%
Pack Mosswart <5%
Pack Scarecrow <5%
Pack Ursuin <5%
Pack Virindi <5%
Plush Tusker <5%
Velveteen Olthoi <5%
Lucky Gold Letter <5%
Swamp Stone <5%
Blue Phyntos Wasp Wing <5%
Gold Phyntos Wasp Wing 2%
Mire Phyntos Wasp Wing <5%
Gem of Cleansing <5%
Gem of Purity <5%
Banderling Scalp <5%
White Phyntos Wasp Wing 2%
Diamond Scarab 1%

Dialog Edit

Monty the Munificent tells you, "Hello, and welcome to my new house! Isn't this nicer than that terrible outdoor location? Boddry there sells a little pamphlet that will tell you our rules and sell you gambling tokens. Look it over, and if you think you have the favor of Dame Fortune, gamble with my Gamesmasters. If you want to gamble a precious little doll, come back to me."
Mosswart Thanking Stone

You give Monty the Munificent Mosswart Thanking Stone.

Monty grumbles under his breath. You make out a few words, "...stupid Ketnan." He smiles and adjusts his vest.

Monty the Munificent tells you, "I don't know why I let myself get talked into this by Ketnan, but here goes. Round and round it goes!"
Jester's Token

You give Monty the Munificent Jester's Token.

Monty the Munificent tells you, "Very well. You may gamble one card with the High-Stakes Gamesmaster over there."

Monty the Munificent tells you, "I don't know why I agreed to gamble these cards. That funny fellow was just so persuasive! I agreed before I even asked myself the most important question in gambling. What's my take?"

You give Aluvian High-Stakes Gamesmaster Three of Eyes.

The Gamesmaster takes your card and shuffles it into a large deck in front of her. She then fans the deck out in front of you.

Aluvian High-Stakes Gamesmaster tells you, "Pick a card. Pick any card you like. All selections are final."

You carefully slip one card out and turn it over to find...

Aluvian High-Stakes Gamesmaster gives you Six of Eyes.

Update History Edit

Cloak of Darkness

  • No longer accepts Pack Dolls for a chance at other other items.