Introduced:  Release
Obsidian Enchanter
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Gharu'ndim
Title Trophy Collector
Location 3.8S, 20.6E outside of Samsur
Level 6
Strength 65
Endurance 70
Coordination 70
Quickness 80
Focus 50
Self 50
Health 125
Stamina 182
Mana 100

Notes Edit

Turn Ins Edit

Accepted Items Rewards
Experience Pyreals Items
 Obsidian Jewel
 Potion of Black Fire
 Obsidian Sphere
 Orb of Black Fire

Dialog Edit

Idle dialog
Obsidian Enchanter says, "I am seeking items crafted of pure obsidian, of the rarest kind. I do not want the raw form."
Obsidian Enchanter says, "My specialty is in crafting magic orbs and potions from crafted obsidian."

Opening dialog

Obsidian Enchanter tells you, "My specialty is creating magic orbs and potions from certain pieces of crafted obsidian. If you have such an item, give it to me and I will return a useful and rare item."
Obsidian Jewel dialog

You give Obsidian Enchanter Obsidian Jewel.

Obsidian Enchanter tells you, "Hold on, I'm getting your item."

Obsidian Enchanter gives you Potion of Black Fire.

Obsidian Enchanter tells you, "Here you go."
Obsidian Sphere dialog

You give Obsidian Enchanter Obsidian Sphere.

Obsidian Enchanter tells you, "Hold on, I'm getting your item."

Obsidian Enchanter gives you Orb of Black Fire.

Obsidian Enchanter tells you, "Here you go."