Introduced:  Engineered Ascendance
Olthoi Hive Mutilator
Class Olthoi
Level 200
XP 1,100,000
Luminance 0
Loot Tier 7
Attacks Pierce, Electric
Strength 390
Endurance 390
Coordination 235
Quickness 230
Focus 170
Self 150
Health 4935
Stamina 4590
Mana 130
Advanced Stats
Melee Attack
Melee Defense
Missile Attack
Missile Defense
Magic Attack
Magic Defense


    Notes Edit

    • Dirty Fighting attacks:
      • Bleeding Blow
      • Blinding Blow (Attack skills reduced by 10 for 20 secs)
      • Traumatic Blow (Heals cast on target reduced by rating of 10 for 20 secs)
      • Unbalancing Blow (Defense skills reduced by 10 for 20 secs)

    Data courtesy of Mob Tracker. Zoomable color

    maps available with downloadable Viewer.

    Update History Edit

    Patch Name

    • ??