On the Abilities of Salvaged Ivory
Introduced: | The Slumbering Giant |
Some items in our world are especially attuned to the very first person who possesses them. Ivory, we have discovered, has the power to break this attunement -- or rather, to transform it into a much more complex relationship. While a simple attuned object cannot leave your person in most cases, a -- how shall we say? -- ivoried object can be stored, or given away, or otherwise removed from you. However, the item which has been so treated can no longer be used for its intended purpose by anyone other than the original possessor.
We continue to research this phenomenon, but I include here several pertintent facts that we have discovered.
Firstly, attuned items will only accept ivory from the hands of their possessor, but (luckily) a person of any skill level -- or no skill level -- can apply the salvaged material.
Secondly, the object must be complete before it will accept the ivory. What 'complete' means varies with the items under consideration, but in general there must be no additional crafting that can possibly be done to the item.
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- Sold by:
- Hanadi the Barkeeper in the Town Network.
- Hinnabqiq the Jeweler in Al-Arqas.
- Grethoric of all Trades in the Underground City.
- Grocer in Oolutanga's Refuge.
- Jordan's Apprentice Craftsman in Zaikhal
- Jubei's Apprentice Craftsman in Hebian-To.
- Ladim al-Faji the Bowyer in Yaraq.
- Lam Yi the Jeweler in Redspire.
- Nin Hong the Barkeeper in Shoushi.
- Scribe Lashi Oi in Nanto.
- Shopkeep Julsama bint Sakim in Samsur.
- Shopkeeper Renald the Elder in Holtburg.
- Sitrath the Smith in Lytelthorpe.
- Steiner's Apprentice Craftsman in Cragstone.
- Thimrin Woodsetter in Candeth Keep.
- Xiao Hong the Barkeeper in the Town Network.
- Ynarre the Grocer in Rithwic.
- Zan Wa-Shabu the Tailor in Yanshi.