Ornate Nekode
  • Value: 50
  • Burden: 135
  • Skill: Heavy Weapons (Unarmed Weapon)
  • Damage: 6.5 - 26 (8.5 - 34), Slashing
  • Speed: Fast (20)
  • Bonus to Melee Defense: +10.0%
  • Spells: Blood Drinker III, Heavy Weapon Mastery Other III
  • Properties: Biting Strike
  • Activation requires Arcane Lore: 15
  • Spellcraft: 150.
  • Mana: 400.
  • Mana Cost: 1 point per 40 seconds.
Ornate Nekode

Notes Edit

  • Name is no longer misspelled "Neckode" rather than "Nekode" in game.
  • During the Master of Arms event, the skill was changed from UA to Heavy Weapons, the spells adjusted accordingly, and the base damage upped from 2 - 8 to 6.5 - 26.